we are presently out of the office until wednesday photographing an out of town wedding, and catching up on the summer of editing.
we will be sending out discs, packages, invoices, emails, weddings and sessions later this week!
thank you!
photo of us taken at the recent party wall for John Fluevog Shoes.
for the 2 years i lived in toronto i was pregnant for 18 months of it....
i waddled around the best i could... to take in the sights of the city.... me, a tummy and for half of that time a toddler.... there were parts that were my favorite.... and parts i did not like.... and then lots of parts i just wished maybe i was not pregnant all the time for!
and then... there were the parts i love to go back to visit and the people we love and miss.... and the parts i was so looking forward to showing to my much bigger boys now.... like... this is where you were born, this is where we used to go on walks etc....
and as any big city adventure there is also the new places.... like this fabulous italian restaurant where i had the best olives of my life and where caleb ate a lobster eye.... and we all ate until we rolled out full of gelato and coffee..... and breads and cheese, and rich pasta. and where we found this wall.... and bench... where i just had to capture this memory.... this amazing time of me and my boys.... i just love all three of them so much! (and the last one taken by caleb.
well.... we have been home for a week...
but it is the peak of wedding season, and there is just a lot of editing, photographing, laundry...
cleaning, office set up... coffee to make... kids to play with.... beautiful sun sets to capture...
and so I have been home, but not home... here but not present.
trying desperately to catch up on it all... and the blog in these moments is often neglected. sorry blog.
but.... as of today.... i am feeling caught up...
5 new weddings to show you, vacation photos and 6 new family sessions! YAY...
so check in... I am promising daily posts this week!!
i feel ridiculously thankful for my friendships...
the older we get in this life... the fewer real/ close... for life and forever friends we have...
and yet for me... my friendships that are the life type of friendships have all come later in life...
with babies... and marriage... with settling... and with security in myself.
i seem to find myself surprised by new friends... i don't expect them... i feel like i would almost be asking too much... as i feel so thankful for the ladies i already have so invested in my life...
and so... i was surprised by this friendship...
it came from a few different places... meant to be.
a shared love of a mutual friend... and a love of photography.
michelle is the one i can talk to for an hour about photos... and color... and exposure and then end the conversation with an in depth conversation about what we will be making for dinner.... and maybe about "tea cups and chickens".
i was lucky enough to be a part of michelle's journey with photography... and wow... i have never seen such growth... and raw talent. michelle is an exceptional photographer.
what started with me giving tips and ideas... has become a mutually received mentorship of this art.
michelle was highlighted on one of my most favorite photographers blog this week.... it is a must read...
i was honored to be mentioned in her incredible journey...
michelle... it has been an honor to share... and in the midst... you have given much, thank you. xo
6 years ago when we rolled into this town... 2 babies in tow...
and for me... a little lost with who i was... and with why we were here...
i found... in those first couple months... the waldorf school...
my kids were babies... years away from school... but we happened upon the fair....
and i loved it... everything about it...
the kind children... the singing and violins and the crafts... and the knomes... and the magic...
there seemed to be a calm that i felt pulled towards.
my kids are not babies anymore... the the years flew by...
now by boys are enrolled in the school... and they have found community.
some things frustrate me like crazy... i love that my 7 year old can knit up a storm on adorable little wood sticks... the fact that he is not reading... is my own struggle... to trust an education that seems so opposite from our culture... it has been terribly hard. but then... i remind myself to follow my gut...
and it says that i have nice boys... kind... sincere and compassionate...
and it tells me that eventually they will read... and in the meantime...
a little wool and wood is a nice addition to their lives.
tomorrow is the may fair from 10-3 pm in Spruce Grove...
it is pure sweetness... you must come!
also.... i wait patiently... for the mushroom quiche they serve for lunch... i get it twice a year and it is ridiculously yummy.
see you there...
the last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind...
i got home from vegas... and we moved house and office/ studio...
here is a photo of me photographing my dear friend in vegas... i think it was about 1am in the morning and we had just finished browsing the mall at the venitian... so fun.
photo by http://www.michelleloewenblog.com/
in the midst of the chaos of moving i wanted to take some time to share that I have the honor of speaking at a photography conference in Banff in June!
(also if you are in the area and willing to model please contact me!)
Dates: 4-6th June 10am start Friday morning, 4pm finish Sunday afternoon
Location: RimRock Resort, Banff http://www.rimrockresort.com/
Accommodation: Shared Twin Rooms (please contact me if you are coming as a couple or a family and need different accommodation…please also indicate if you wish to room with a particular person)
Food: Beautiful meals & breakfast included, possibly a picnic lunch on Saturday – morning/afternoon teas with pastries, drinks, etc
Friday: Anastasia Chomlack: Reinstating the vision in your business. Why we do what we do… our values in photography and how this affects our marketing, branding, and future success. Creating and marketing the brand of “you”. Shooting time also allocated.
Ali Hohn : Off Camera Flash : technical and practical – one, two & three light setups to give you options in the field! Shooting with models. Ali travels teaching off-camera flash and has taught in Australia as well as extensively throughout the States. She will also demonstrate her post-processing techniques.
Evening: Sharing of marketing materials and group discussion. Please bring products from your collection that you think others may have not seen…albums, coffee tables, etc. Discussion on effective branding, blogging, twitter, facebook and how others have successfully incorporated these into their businesses.
Saturday: Red Leaf Studios : Richard & Amy will be sharing on marketing, finding inspiration, the art of photography, old masters, lighting techniques, histogram, working with couples, posing, connection and video light setup. Classroom and Shooting time included. Richard & Amy will also be around for the weekend and available to chat and answer questions.
Ali Hohn: Night shoot with Flash …. Richard & Amy with Video Light
Sunday: Danna Bowes Danna will share on session workflow. What poses sell best, creating relationship images and capturing emotion. How to deal with a baby that won’t sleep. Equipment, lighting – 1 light 2 lights & a bit of natural if there is interest. Set up for a “studio on-location session” since most people work on-location and don’t have access to a studio. Selling a session, how to shoot for a successful sale. A bit on marketing and finding your own style. Processing of images if time allows.
Cost: CAD $1250
Maximum of 35 participants.
** please be aware that if you live in the direct area of a speaker, you may not be able to attend their particular teaching but will be in a group teaching a similar setup ie anyone in Danna’s area will be in with Alisha Robertson, and vice versa. Same with Ali Hohn. (this stipulation is not applicable to RedLeaf on Saturday)** ANY questions or issues regarding this are to be emailed to me ([email protected]) NOT to the speakers. Thanks for understanding!
Photo courtesy of RedLeaf
I also wanted to note that I am still taking a couple openings for the Spring Sale... a free 16x20 collage with any session booked before the end of May! Email me for more information!
i had to post a few more... they just totally crack me up...
and i am feeling totally silly!!
and a couple of jadyn... these were minutes before we realized we probably sat him on a mouse nest and a mouse ran over his legs... and basically all hell broke loose... oh my goodness... i am laughing so hard just thinking about it... hilarious! xo
my boys are getting massive...
massive... independent... big... smart...
trips with them are a blast... sitting and talking and sharing life with them is amazing...
when did this happen?
i just think they are so cool. i am not sure i ever thought i would really think that...
i knew i would love them... i hoped i would like them... but i do... i really really like who they are...
and so... we browsed the aquarium... we ate fries... and chatted by the beluga pool...
and we went and watched a movie... and we laughed... and we joked...
it was a great day.
yesterday i chatted on the phone with a friend in distress while shopping and buying my kids an afternoon snack... in the midst of the conversation i also texted with a friend about plans for today and i googled what the difference was between nutritional yeast and dry yeast... and asked the grocer to find me the right one... gave money to the food bank and carried 6 boxes to the car because oh yeah.... we are moving. chaos.
pure chaos. not the life threatening; my life is falling apart chaos... just... maybe i need to start saying no to a few things chaos... or maybe... just the this is a busy season chaos...
i snapped at my kids and my husband.... and then i stopped... i 'paused' (my mom's new favorite word when dealing with me)... and i opened the decadent chocolate chip cookies i bought... and i poured myself a glass of milk... and i sat in my disasterous house... and i managed to stop my pity party...
it felt so grown up to have control... maybe i am becoming a woman!
today i am leaving to vegas... terrible timing... but fabulous reason... my best friend turned 40... and in 9 years of friendship/ two births... a gagillioon tears matched with laughter... and too many bottles of wine... we are off on a three days girls trip... we had dreams of spain... but our killer deal to vegas will have to do...
and i plan to pause... and chill... and eat cookies (ummm... will sub out the milk!) and i will just have fun...
because life is nuts... business... kids... husband... friends... moving
and there are two ways to look at it (thanks michelle!) and i need to switch my thinking and start getting a little more thankful and a little less stressed.
i will go to anthropologie for a whole day and soak in the calm!
what will you do this weekend??!
here is a recent photo of my from a class i am taking (these photos were "reflections"... it is an 8 week class and i am 5 weeks behind...
hmmm... maybe i will work on that this weekend too! LOL
i remember easter growing up... spring dresses and pretty baskets... outside for hours...
ummm.... not so much my present reality as a mom...
growing up in the mountains... means easter and snow...
especially this year as we travelled to mount baker for a weekend away... 15 inches of powder... a massive easter egg hunt for kids and us... ridiculously fun!
and then... some time in a cabin in a moss forest... hiking and running and coffee and friends... and playing... and the unexpected best part... no cell phone coverage... i found balance... and time... it was amazing.
i was also reminded that truly the only thing i have to do for my boys to bring them absolute joy and fulfillment... chase them. time spent... and a lot of 'tag'... life really is this simple sometimes...
hmmm... and because this particular photo just does not show up big enough in the collage... this photo of my big boy... ahhhh.... i love this... i love everything about it... and him.
have fun and send me photos! i want to see!! xo
click to see larger!
and a quick tip.... in this issue are the most yummiest cupcakes and a recipe!! enjoy!
this week i was able to celebrate my friends birthday in bellingham...
in the most amazing restaurant... a private party... a table set for 15...
we cried and laughed... and ate yummy local delicious food... and drank yummy wine...
we connected with old friends... and laughed (did i say that?!)... a lot.
we all shared a toast with the birthday girl... and i barely had the words...
truly she is a women of grace... and love... invested life...
here are just a few photos of the night. it was magical.
has NOT arrived!
although the weather on the most part has been divine... it is NOT spring...
we spend the last couple days in Bellingham and they had CHERRY BLOSSOMS!!
i love... LOVE cherry blossoms and spring!!
we started driving up to whistler and the snow and rain... and the grey... and it was too much for me... lol... so we got right back in the car and headed down to the garden center...
i have been wanting to make terraniums for a long time... i glance at them on etsy all the time... and although i have been holding out for the perfect apothecary jars i finally decided today... the cute jars would have to happen another day.... and made a go with what we could find around the house...
i love how into it the boys were... and chad!! LOL
fun times... caleb said "i hope i never forget this"... cute!!
i need to remember to do the things in my head even when it is all not as i would like it to be... does that make sense? well... here is our attempt to get spring inside... to get our hands in the soil...
my favorite is the lego men dispersed! ahhh... i love my kids.
we travelled out of the whistler madness into the vancouver madness last week...
along the way we found spring in horseshoe bay... and played a while...
i have not photographed the boys with chad for a while and was thrilled to get some of how similar chad and jadyn are!! xoxo
we also decided it was time to teach our kids how to play hide and go seek without cheating... and with proper rules!! it was so fun... and when caleb actually grasped it he turned out to be a incredible hider!! LOL
5th annual GT memorial
real soul snowboarders.... connecting... no bindings... deep powder... good times.
here are just a few.
just a list off the top of my head.... the things i love and have loved in 2009...
here's to hoping that you too will find things here to love yourself.
wedding blogs for inspiration:
Office Goodness
not the site sadly... but a browse through this store is must with a warm cup of coffee
and speaking of stores:
Main Street:
Inspiring people:
My new obsession
favorite mags
want to buy these clothes
am covering my face in this:
and of course... OF COURSE
hope you find some new things ot browse... get addicted to ... be inspired by... lust over...
Goodbye 2009.... you were lovely but i will not miss you.
on to new things... new finds... newness.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
We have just finished wrapping... santa came along... ate some cookies... fed some carrots to his reindeer...
and now we are drinking some red wine and watching a 'white christmas'.... ahhhh... bliss.
i remembered that i had not shown the final photo of the christmas 'tree' so i thought i should snap one and pop it up... here it is in all its glory!! it was so fun!
and we are thinking...
a new tradition.
Have a wonderful day tomorrow... enjoy family and friends and great food!!
and one of my munchkins.... little caleb got his first shiner this week... good times! LOL
i am finishing up in the office this week... and taking some time off before the new year!!
i wanted to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS... i wish you much laughter... much love...
fun in the snow... family... good food... fantastic wine.
that is all my plan anyway!
we are staying close to home... and will be celebrating the day with close friends... this year we are going very simple with gifts... skiing, and skating, christmas crafts, and cookies all on the to do list!!
here are a few shots of our boys skating on the ice last week... enjoy.
see you in 2010!
well... the process at least...
i will have to post again tonight when i photograph it all finished and with the lights on it!
we have a super small house... and the tree every year is an issue... pine needles everywhere and no space to turn in... and i don't want to sound like a grinch... because i love christmas trees.... but this year... it felt like a lot of work... so while sitting one night in the living room staring at the wall i got the idea to paint the tree on the wall... to have the boys paint whatever ornaments they wanted... and to have friends come in and each paint an ornament.... my husband... bless him... actually thought it would be great... and the next night with help from our artist friend Justin we started the tree...
it was SO fun... and the kids nearly lost their minds when we told them... i think they will remember this forever!!! and then the plan is that in the new year... i will just sand it down and repaint over it...
I have been wanting to revamp our walls and change up our art and photos anyway... so now i will HAVE to!!
Here is part of our process and a few from our decorating party!
Hopefully little Van (2 yrs) who was not even NEAR the tree with his painting does not think he can come over and paint anywhere on my walls!!! LOL
we added lights and outlines last night... and tonight we need to paint the star... with angle wings!!
then i will post a final photo!!