pregnant with number 4... a week away from the due date... and just beautiful... as always.
pregnant with number 4... a week away from the due date... and just beautiful... as always.
maternity photography was my first love...
we are off to the city for a few days... and so will not be checking emails... please give till the end of the week to have any inquiries answered! thanks!
this is my god daughter lily... and my best friend...
she asked me to take photos of her baby... her baby that is due in ten days...
i absolutely tore their bedroom apart... but the light was just so pretty... and the furniture and the wall color... and then the perfect belly and adorable little girl... well... there was just A LOT to be inspired by!
so... when all of that comes together it is pretty easy to get great photos... these are some of my favorites from this session!
living in the mountains... many may not known i am actually a born and raised city girl...
i love it... it feeds my soul... my creativity...
the people, the smells, the colors...
when people contact me about photos and they are from the city i basically force them to hire me... anxious to get down the mountain and explore the streets... smell the pollution... wait in traffic... all of it... i love it!
as soon as this client mentioned the idea of a session in china town i nearly fainted in excitement!! driving to their perfect adorable apartment i nearly ran into 10 cars while i watched everything but the road...
i loved this session... it spoke to my senses... i felt invited into their lives for a day... we laughed... talked with ease.. went for a walk.. warmed up with tea... and i captured... life as i see it. just as it was.
thanks m and e for letting me watch you live... i am excited to meet your little one!!
cheers... xoxox
well... i forgot about day light savings and so arrived really an hour later then i should have planned for great light photos... i had to rush this family along like crazy... but they were fantastic... we hit some of there favorite spots... and they found my perfect spot of long grass with an old building!! we even had time to sit infront of an old tin building... so thrilled.
there little one was perfect and sweet and fun...
i just so so enjoyed this session... and fort langley is my new favorite place to photograph!!
since my little (or actually big) head injury... i finally feel like i am catching up a bit....
yeah... here is another session that got behind....
i am loving these... here is just a sneak peek!
thanks again fr your patience...
i really truly just have the nicest clients in the world... ummm.... and the most beautiful!!
cannot wait to meet this little one... soon!!
I hope you all had a great thanksgiving also!!!
Chad and I sat in bookstores and cafes for two days... talking and reading... and just being... it was wonderful!
I have lots of fun photos to post over the next week.... so keep coming in for glimpses... and to all of you who have been so kind and asked... my head... is feeling better!! I am not completely back to normal but it is getting better!!
Here is my friend leah.... she is so stunning... and her boys... well... i just LOVE boys... and these are no exception. Next time... no photos in the freezing cold... only play time with our boys and coffee!!
Leah is a fantastic photographer and that is ALWAYS so intimidating to photograph another photogrpaher (atleast to me!!)!!
You can find her work here:
Take time to read her story in her "about" section....
"Leah... you challenge me so much, and I am very thankful to know you. Your strength is amazing... and being with your family was a true blessing to me, I am humbled by the apparent love and security within your family"... this first photo is for you...
I wish we could see his face a little more in the pendant...
beautiful boys. all of them!
I think this was my last session where we got some clear skies before all this rain.... leah... lucky girl!
Here is your sneak peek!!! xoxoxoxo
It was hard for me to not choose every photo where she is laughing or smiling!!
this couple awaiting there first baby was great....
seriously i have the most fantastic clients.... and sometimes feel like i don't give any direction in a session becasue i just do not need to... them.. just being them... is perfect. like this couple... perfectly in love!